Heal Our Land, O God. Release Your Power and Truth

Father, You are strong and mighty in battle. You are a righteous, just, and holy God who reigns over all the earth. Rise up, O God, and scatter Your enemies. We cry out to You, “Heal our land!” Let Your truth overcome the lies of the enemy — expose their evil. Protect Your people.

You promise if we who are called by Your Name will humble ourselves and pray, and seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways, You will hear us from heaven and will forgive our sin and heal our land. Hear us, Lord. We are desperate for Your intervention.

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Waiting for the Rising Sun, for Surely it Will Rise

A song stirred within me as I sat in the quiet of early morning, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone … ” Wiping a tear, I looked toward the east, waiting for the rising sun, for surely it would rise.

As certain as the rising sun is God’s faithfulness to me. So why do I worry? Why do I fret? Why do I allow the things of earth to steal my joy and trouble my soul?

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Lead Us Through These Days, God. Help Us See Your Hand

Father, You are the Almighty God, Maker of heaven and earth. You are sovereign over all things — Your power is unmatched. Lead us through these frightening days. Help us see Your hand in all things.

There are wars and rumors of war, earthquakes, fires, and floods. The earth is groaning with the spiritual battle that is at hand. The depravity of mankind is clear for all to see.

You see too, Lord. And You know all about it.

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When the Blush of Dawn Proclaims Holiness to the Lord

The blush of dawn unfurled like a delicate rose. Layer upon layer of darkness rolled away, yielding — bowing — to the morning light. Lavender and teal, tangerine and coral swirled together on the canvas of the sky — a palette of exquisite colors proclaiming holiness to the Lord.

A sacred hush fell as the dark of night held its last breath. Stillness — creation remembering that He is God.

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You Are My Refuge and Strength. I Trust You, O God

Father, I am learning that You are truly my refuge and strength … my place of safety. Forever and always. In Your magnificence, You are greater than anything I will ever face.

Your Name is a strong tower — the righteous run into it and are safe. You are Jehovah-Jireh, my Provider; Jehovah-Rapha, my Healer. You are Jehovah-Shammah, the Lord who is there …

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When Life’s Peaceful Rhythm Encounters Adversity

The porch swing rocked in a peaceful rhythm. My spirit stirred as I looked up from my Bible, raising it to my chest and grasping the wonder it held. I read these words, “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eyes see You” (Job 42:5).

I looked toward the ridge where the sun began its evening descent. Magenta began rising above the trees. Lavender and apricot clouds tossed their petals across the wide expanse as the North Star made its appearance.

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In the Fiery Furnace, Find Your Reflection in Me Lord

Father, many are the afflictions of the righteous, but You promise to deliver us out of them all. You walk with us in the fiery furnace of adversity. You carry us through the storms … all because of Your great love for Your children.

Teach me to keep my eyes on You, for it is in that place of trust that I am strengthened to endure. You uphold me with Your righteous right hand. I can sense Your touch gripping my hand in Yours — when my eyes are fixed on You.

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My Father’s Arms. A Sure Place in Uncertain Days

The young girl dangled from a large tree limb, legs flailing, tongue wailing. She was stuck and terrified of hanging so far above the ground — terrified even more of letting go to slip into her father’s arms flung outstretched beneath her. Her saga on the limb, though dangerous, was a sure thing, even if she didn’t like it — though she dangled, her grasp was strong and the limb sturdy.

But she was stuck and afraid.

Afraid to let go.

The young girl was me.

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My Hope is Anchored in You Lord, for You are Alive!

Lord, I often think about the morning Your tomb was found empty, Your grave cloths still spread upon the place where Your body was laid. Your disciples’ hope had been anchored in You, but You were placed in that dark tomb. Dead. Confusion had wrung out their hearts. Crushing despair devastated them. But then …

I can only imagine the wonder Mary experienced when You called her name. Tenderly … gently … You called her name.

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If God’s Peace is Hidden, Look Behind the Veil of Fog

I rounded the curve where the small brick church sits in a grove of trees. The mountain range lay before me with shadows of blue peeking above the veil of fog blanketing the morning.

Golden yarrow poked through the split-rail fence defining the meadow where tall grass swayed in the gentle breeze. Birdsong came from the forest just over the hill. Walking along, I thought about the Lord — heavy thoughts … burdened thoughts that desperately needed His peace.

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You’re Greater Than the Evil One, God. This I Know

Father, how great You are! You are the Name above all names — the Almighty God, Maker of heaven and earth, Ruler of all things. You are greater than the evil one … this I know.

I do not need to fear uncertain days. I do not need to fear the evil one and the horrors he has unleashed on this earth for greater are You in me than he that is in the earth.

You are with me.

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Trapped in the Overwhelm, My God Saw Me

Deep in my spirit trapped in overwhelm, I heard the words, Look up, Child, and behold My glory. Consider the heavens and the works of My hands. Consider the magnificence of who I am. Is there anything too hard for Me? Is there anything insignificant to Me? No, My child. I am the God who sees and I know your name. What concerns you, concerns Me.

The bird feeder outside my window filled with activity as my feathered friends consumed their morning feast. I watched and thought of the words still resounding in my heart … I know your name …

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